Announcement: Videvo’s Affiliate Program is now live!

The Videvo Affiliate Program is now live!

If you have been one of the many people inquiring about an affiliate program at Videvo, we have great news for you: Our brand new Affiliate program is officially live!

What is an affiliate program? It is very simple – the main concept behind it is “refer-to-earn”, meaning that you can make a commission by sharing the word on Videvo’s Premium Plans.

It works like this:

1) Apply to our program and get your affiliate link.

2) Use your link when recommending Videvo’s Premium plans

3) Earn a 100% commission on the first month of referred Monthly plans, and 20% on the upfront payment of Yearly plans!

How do my commissions get tracked and paid?

Our program is powered by Impact, a powerful affiliate platform that takes care of tracking, reporting, and commission payments. In addition to our industry-leading commissions, we also offer a 30-day cookie window, which means that you will receive commission for purchases made by your visitors for up to 30 days after their original click on your affiliate link.

Who can apply?

We work with a wide variety of websites, creators, and industry experts. To give some ideas of who would make ideal partners:

  • Do you love Videvo and would like to share it with your network or community?
  • Do you have a website or blog covering the many industries in which our high-quality, royalty-free assets are useful?
  • Are you a YouTube creator putting out amazing content about digital marketing, multimedia production, the video industry, or related topics?
  • Do you have a complementary software or app and believe that your users would find our affordable and straightforward plans interesting?

These are just some examples of the affiliate partners we work with. We manage our program in-house and are happy to discuss our partnerships one-on-one, including brainstorming placement ideas.

I’d love to join!

If you’re ready to apply, you can do so by clicking here.

We’re looking forward to getting your application to become our affiliate! Feel free to contact us at if you have any questions. You can also visit our Affiliates page for further information.

Learn more about Videvo’s Premium Plans

We offer two Premium Plans: Videvo Plus and Videvo Pro. Learn more about them here.

All our Premium Plans offer footage in HD resolution and up. If you want to learn more about different video resolutions, click here.

All our Premium Plans offer footage Royalty Free licensing. If you want to learn more about the licensing around stock assets, click here.