
50 Royalty Free Lab Sound Effects. All of our sound effects are available to download today to use on your next video or audio project.
Free Lab Sound Effects
50 clips
WAV, MP300:44
Lab, Ambience, Test, Machinery, Fan, Motor, Mechanical, Clanks, Buzzing, Cicadalike, Close, Perspective, Hospital, LabFormat
WAV, MP3Tags
Lab, Disaster Cacophony, Zaps, Buzzes, Alarms, Explosions, As Laboratory, Goes Smoke, Medium, PerspectiveFormat
WAV, MP301:56
Beaker, Stir Glass, Stirrer, Briskly, Stirring Glass, Beaker, Close, Perspective, Pharmacy, LabFormat
WAV, MP3Tags
Beaker, Stir Metal, Stirrer, Briskly, Stirring Liquid Glass, Beaker, Close, Perspective, Pharmacy, LabFormat
WAV, MP3Tags
Beaker, Stir Metal, Stirrer, Briskly, Stirring Liquid Plastic, Beaker, Close, Perspective, Pharmacy, LabFormat
WAV, MP3Tags
Beaker, Stir Wooden, Stirrer, Briskly, Stirring Liquid Glass, Beaker, Close, Perspective, Pharmacy, LabFormat
WAV, MP3Tags
Jacobs, Ladder, Repetitive, Electrical, Build Discharge, Close, Perspective, Science, Lab, Spark, ArcFormat
WAV, MP3Tags
Centrifuge, Centrifuge, Click, Slowly, Spin Various, Background, Clicks, Click, Slowly, Spin Close, Perspective, Medical, LabFormat
WAV, MP3Tags
White Noise, Tesla, Coil Tesla, Coil, Slow, Static, Build Loud, Series, Discharges, Medium, Perspective, Science, LabFormat
WAV, MP3Tags
Glass, Beaker, Liquid, Pour, Liquid, Being, Slowly, Poured A Glass, Receptacle, Close, Perspective, Pharmacy, LabFormat
WAV, MP3Tags
Jacobs, Ladder, Repetitive, Slow, Electrical, Build Multiple, Discharge, Medium, Perspective, Science, Lab, Spark, ArcFormat
WAV, MP3Tags
Jacobs, Ladder Low, Frequency, Slow, Repetitive, Electrical, Build Discharge, Close, Perspective, Science, Lab, Spark, ArcFormat
WAV, MP3Format
Electrolyte, Analysis, Electrolyte, Analysis, Motor, Fan, Keypad, Data, Entry, Mechanical, Stirring, Close, Perspective, Hospital, LabFormat
WAV, MP3Tags
Electrical, Arcs, Loud, Midfrequency, Pops Reverberation, Times, Slight, Electrical, Hum, Background, Medium, Perspective, Science, Lab, SparkFormat
WAV, MP3Tags
Glass, Beaker, Pour, Set Glass, Beaker, Slowly, Being, Filled Liquid, Then, Set Ceramic, Table, Close, Perspective, Pharmacy, LabFormat
WAV, MP3Tags
Powder, Stir, Grind Granular, Powder, Being, Forcefully, Ground, Upon Piece, Paper, Upon Hard, Surface, Close, Perspective, Pharmacy, LabFormat
WAV, MP3Tags
Powder, Stir, Grind Granular, Powder, Being, Lightly, Ground, Upon Piece, Paper, Upon Hard, Surface, Close, Perspective, Pharmacy, LabFormat
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Tdx, Drug, Machine, Tdx, Drug, Machine, Motors, Fans, Background, Mechanical, Clicks, Beeps, Printing, Foreground, Close, Perspective, Hospital, LabFormat