Suggested tags
united arab emirates
rta dubai
roads and transport authority
department of the government of dubai
sustainable and worldclass transportation systems
mattar mohamed al tayer
dubai bus
nol card
octopus cards limited
contactless smartcard for fares on buses
best prepaid card in the middle east
smart nol
independent government transportation authority
make travel safer and smoother
public transport facilities
transport system and internal efficiency
rims global enterprise risk management award
employees certified as chief innovation officers level 3
global innovation management institute
organizational maturity certificate in innovation level 4
masterinnovation leadership
global certification for covid19 prevention measures
recognition from the norwegian dnvgl
sterilisation completed for 1372 buses
five bus depots
17 bus stations
maximum levels of prevention
maximum levels of community protection
land transport
maintaining the health and wellbeing of all passengers
trip via bus
air conditioned working on all buses at all times
ecard machines
tag in and out
multiple information screens
platform alerts
wheelchair access
mohre campaign
mastermind advertising
ministry of human resources and emiratisation
together we overcome challenges
sterilisation programme for public transport systems
precautionary steps taken by the rta
reducing the risks of the spread of the virus
rasid automatic bus passenger counting system
leader in seamless and sustainable mobility